
Center Consoles 2024 Evo Yachts R4 boat for sale at a glance:

  • Offered by Tommy's / Golden for Request Price
  • To see full description and more details click on the `Description` tab above.

Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity! Make an offer, ask the seller a question, or check availability.

The bow is designed to keep the lines as clean as possible, with a large locker that can accommodate the anchor and fenders under the deck.

The hydraulic opening of the anchor locker ensures maximum noise reduction while the lifting nose prevents the anchor from wounding in or out.

A smooth teak panel features the helm station, which is designed to create a fast and responsive steering experience in a pleasant setting with a large windscreen and an ultra-comfortable seat.

Set the navigation systems, take the wheel, check your course and get ready for an exciting ride.

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Contact Seller
Tommy's / Golden